We all know that the most successful people in the world read a lot to get inspired and to solve issues they have. That's why I prepared the list of 5 books CTOs (chief technical officers) should read
Why reading is good?
I’ve been in love with books since I can remember. In my small village, in the pre-internet era, the only window to the world were my books. My only and personal source entertainment. Of course, I started with fantasy books, comic books but quickly switched to more complex stories. I consider reading to be one of the most crucial habits for personal growth. It allowed me to be more creative, extended my way of thinking and knowledge about the world.
Nowadays I consume tons of business and philosophy books as it gives me a wider perspective on issues I deal with in my day to day life. I discuss different ideas with friends to see if we can argue in certain areas. It’s very engaging.
My top 5 books for CTOs
I had a chance to speak with many CTOs recently and talk with them about their challenges. They pointed out issues like hiring software developers, managing teams, managing technology, understanding the business and technology at once. Some of those guys shared interesting books with as a solution for those problems me so I decided to give the list to you. Here you go:
- Powerful – The Netflix Story about the culture they have
- Rework – in a digital space, it’s worth thinking like a nomad and gathers the best players from all over the world. This is the story of how to work in a good way without pressure and stress
- Say what you mean – most of the problems come from communication issues. Honesty (but non-violent) is the key to success when dealing with different team players. This book might blow your mind.
- The infinite game – Simon Sinek became a very popular guy last years in the area of leadership. I love his videos – they learn how to be a great leader that people follow.
- The five dysfunctions of a team – most of the teams don’t cooperate and perform well due to lack of trust and some other factors. This book is a great story of how to fix it and make people a great A-Team.