Our Open Source Manifesto

At LEOCODE, we firmly believe there is a strong link between coding and making the world a better place.

As a company that delivers products and solutions that are based on open-source software, it is natural for us to contribute back to the sustainability of the society around us. 

As a digitally savvy enterprise, we want to support others on their digital journey by investing our time and resources in worthwhile OSS projects. We have created a space for our talented developers to pursue their passions as they develop and share innovations to work for the greater good.

These principles are fundamental to us and set the standard for the way LEOCODE acts.

Why do we create open-source software?

  • Upgrading the world: By providing people, time and investment we enhance and deliver shared solutions for open-source software advancements. In return, technology will continue to accelerate and grow at exponential rates having an even more positive impact on industry and society. It always pays back.
  • The power behind the collective intellect: This is never about standalone projects. As an open-source is built on collaboration, we encourage our developers to share their time and experience through various communities and projects. This is the best way, we believe, to speed up everyone’s performance and to find our contribution fulfilling.
  • Open-source for open-minded talents: There is a mindset around open source that we cherish the most: the constant willingness to learn and the enjoyment of knowledge sharing. We’re surrounded by other similarly-minded people to improve open source technology. 

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Open-source blog posts


How to programmatically take a screenshot of a website?

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